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Official video: Pitbull - Feel This Moment ft. Christina Aguilera | 17 Mar 2013
Pitbull's latest music video has already been revealed and it's really joyfull, all
the action has been reviewed from different viewpoints. The video is on split screen
black-and-white, with lots of quick shots of Pitbull being swaggy,up on stage and living the fast life.
Actually for such a big sound, it a little unexpected to drop video like this.Honestly, it’s kind of a snooze.
It's about feeling the moment but what f...
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Video: Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie ft. JAY Z | 14 Feb 2013
Whether our expectations about Justin's new video for his singe "Suit & Tie Lyrics"
are mismatched or not with the real video - rather not. One thing is sure -
the clip is nothing specially exclude by retro style - monochrome. The specific
thing here is the change in the situation and the story in sync with the song in three styles.
THe singer lik...
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Music Video: Rihanna - Stay ft. Mikky Ekko | 13 Feb 2013
So now this amazing song Rihanna's "Stay Lyrics" now have a uniqe, sensual clip.
In the video we see the lovely singer together with Mikky Ekko. For sure
this video is going to be onscreen for realy long time. Close-up of the clip
which prevails show us the face of Rihanna in details and so her emotion's face.
This is the next hit of the singer heading for the worl...
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